[elrepo-devel] a few comment about elrepo's packages

Phil Perry phil at elrepo.org
Sat Aug 29 07:38:46 EDT 2009

Farkas Levente wrote:
>> In summary, the main differences over this distro shipped kmodtool are:
>> 1. Provides:         kabi-modules = ${verrel}${variant}
>> kmodtool normally has a Provide for kernel-modules that prevents yum
>> from updating kmod packages. However, for a kABI tracking kmod package,
>> updating (rather than installing kernel dependent versions) makes sense
>> so we changed the Provide to kabi-modules to facilitate this behaviour
>> in yum.
> that's a nice feature. although it's a yum bug. it's not documented and 
> not working as should have to be. even if a package provide a 
> kernel-modules it should have to updating. i already fill a bug about it 
> #502140 but no one realy care about it.

I responded to your bug report to show where it's included. It's not a 
bug, it's expected behaviour, it just wasn't documented (the 
documentation probably just lags the code base which I guess is not 
unusual in FOSS). So the bug is in the documentation as that is what 
needs to be corrected.


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