[elrepo-devel] HOWTO on creating kmod packages?

Alan Bartlett ajb at elrepo.org
Fri Dec 4 09:01:36 EST 2009

2009/12/3 David Ranch <elrepo at trinnet.net>:


> I see threads like the following but there doesn't seem to
> be anything official and current:
> http://www.linux-archive.org/centos-development/215406-kmod-packaging-guideline.html


> Also, though I know this is a specific Centos-centric list


There are two comments I should make regarding the somewhat ambiguous
last statement, above.

(1) The page, quoted above, is neither that of CentOS nor of ELRepo.
It is the product of an independent user who has just made reference
to CentOS.

(2) The ELRepo mailing lists are not CentOS specific and are not in
anyway connected to the CentOS project.


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