[elrepo-devel] nvidia legacy drivers

Phil Perry phil at elrepo.org
Tue Dec 15 18:59:02 EST 2009

On 12/12/2009 03:00 PM, Marco Giunta wrote:
> Hi at all,
> I'm a sysadmin in an Italian College, and I'm using your rpms (nvidia,
> ieee1394 and till CentOS 5.4, fuse) in our workstations (about 300). A
> lot of them have old nvidia video card, so I've adapted your spec file
> to suit nvidia legacy driver 96xx; I'm using them for a couple of months
> without any problem. You'll find attached two spec files: one for the
> driver and one for the kmod.
> I hope you'll find them useful. Regards,
> Marco Giunta

Hi Marco,

I've now built these packages and have just uploaded them to the testing 

The packages are named:


As I'm unable to test, please do test and report back any issues if you 
can. I'm sure they may be a bit rough as they are a first build.

We can either track issues here on in the bug tracker:




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