[elrepo-devel] Join the ELRepo contributors community

Nikolay Ulyanitsky lystor at lystor.org.ua
Tue Nov 17 04:03:09 EST 2009

> I've seen some of your work on redhat-club.org :)

Yep. I am a creator/administrator of redhat-club.org project and all
subprojects (forum, wiki, repo, etc).
Most important packages of repo.redhat-club.org already exist in EPEL,
ELRepo, RPMFusion.
Also I think that is bad for users to have many repositories in
system, for example: 2xCentOS, ELRepo, EPEL, 4xRPMFusion, Red Hat Club
Repository, etc.
So I decided to move other packages from repo.redhat-club.org to
ELRepo, EPEL and close the project repo.redhat-club.org.

> We just really need to work out how you do that in practice. I would
> like to see you build and maintain your own packages within elrepo (and
> one of the key holders can sign and push packages for you). How does
> that sound?

Sounds good.

With best regards,
Nikolay Ulyanitsky

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