[elrepo-devel] Join the ELRepo contributors community

Nikolay Ulyanitsky lystor at lystor.org.ua
Tue Nov 17 12:27:16 EST 2009

> That's interesting. Have you compared it with the existing version?
> $ yum --enablerepo=elrepo\* info kmod-ipg

Drivers support different hardware:
   Vendor Device
   0x1186 0x1002
   0x13F0 0x0201
   0x13F0 0x0200

   0x1186 0x4000
   0x13F0 0x1021
   0x13F0 0x1023
   0x13F0 0x2021

> Similar comment and question, as above.
> $ yum --enablerepo=elrepo\* info kmod-mmc
kmod-mmc doesn't support PCMCIA_DEVICE_PROD_ID12("RICOH",
"Bay1Controller", 0xd9f522ed, 0xc3901202) but sdricoh_cs does.

> Having now read Phil's reply and your subsequent message, I hope you
> will happy to contribute and assume you will appreciate why we would
> not provide you with the ELRepo signing key. (To use the CentOS
> Project as an example, I understand, from what I have been told, that
> only three members of the CentOS Development team know their signing
> key . . . )
I understand that.

With best regards,
Nikolay Ulyanitsky

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