[elrepo-devel] [elrepo] Announcement: kmod-mISDN testing release

Clinton Lee Taylor clintonlee.taylor at gmail.com
Fri Nov 20 07:16:42 EST 2009

>> 2009/11/20 Alan Bartlett <ajb at elrepo.org>:
>>> Announcing the release of kmod-mISDN in the elrepo-testing repository:
>>  Great, will get to install and test next week.  Is there any good
>> reason why version was packaged and not  I know that
>> asterisk repo only has, but I could find no good reason for
>> why only that version, thinking somebody else might know ..
> That was the version to which you pointed us . . .
 Okay ...

> If there is a more recent version that builds and operates correctly
> with EL5 (RHEL 5 / CentOS 5 / Scientific Linux 5), please provide a
> link to the source tarball and make a RFE.  The package will then be
> considered for updating.
 Cool, maybe let's get this out the door and working and then look at
the update?  That okay?


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