[elrepo-devel] Experimental kmod-mmc with sdricoh_cs module (pcmcia driver for Ricoh Bay1Controllers)

Phil Perry phil at elrepo.org
Wed Nov 25 09:17:18 EST 2009

Alan Bartlett wrote:
> 2009/11/24 Nikolay Ulyanitsky <lystor at lystor.org.ua>:
>> On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 17:11, Alan Bartlett <ajb at elrepo.org> wrote:
>>> Thank you for your contribution, Nikolay. I shall build, sign and push
>>> the packages to elrepo-testing in the next 24 hours.
>> Thx.
>> Please download again
>> http://repo.lystor.org.ua/el/5/SRPMS/mmc-kmod-0.0-4.el5.elrepo.src.rpm.
>> It contains small spec format fixes.
> Will do -- no problem.
> There's a small correction that needs to be made to the kmodtool-mmc
> file to align it with the standard kmodtool file (that we have
> published). This is not an error of your creation but just a small
> change that I had not got around to making in the -0.0-3 source
> package.
> There is one other thing that I would like to discuss with you and
> other members of the ELRepo admin team -- the version and release
> numbers. Following the standard procedure, as recommended by Dag, the
> mmc kmod package was created as version 0.0, release 1. Two minor
> changes to the package (but not the tarball source code) were
> subsequently made which resulted in version 0.0, release 3.
> As you have taken the -0.0-3 source package and added code to it to
> provide extra support, I do not think it is appropriate to make it
> available as version 0.0, release 4. We should either increment the
> version minor number and reset the release to one or increment the
> major version number and reset the release to one. Basically, I am
> saying that we should either make this package available as -0.1-1 or
> -1.0-1 -- which, though, I cannot decide. :-)
> Admin team and Nickolay -- Will you please give me your views on this?
> Once we have an agreement, I will build, sign, upload and document
> accordingly.

IMHO it should either be 0.0-4, or 0.1-1 if you feel the need to 
increment the version due to code changes. It should *never* reach v1.0 
status for the very reason we start at 0.0 as opposed to 1.0 in the 
first place... in other words, at most we (continue to) increment the 
version minor number indefinitely, as appropriate.

My vote would go for 0.1-1 given the proposed changes :)


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