[elrepo-devel] why it's not working for me?
Phil Perry
phil at elrepo.org
Wed Sep 2 07:19:33 EDT 2009
Phil Perry wrote:
> Phil Perry wrote:
>> Farkas Levente wrote:
>>> On 09/01/2009 08:20 PM, Phil Perry wrote:
>>>> So in this situation it would appear the correct course of action would
>>>> be for us to file a bug report requesting the addition of
>>>> ksym(platform_device_add_data) to the [rhel5_drivers_base_ga] whitelist
>>>> thus fixing the issue for this (these) driver(s).
>>>> However, doing so will not fix the issue for past kernels, only those
>>>> going forward.
>>> but as rhel/centos/.. kernel _never_ provide any ksym(...) it's be
>>> better to remove those ksym requirements anyway since those kmod
>>> packages never can be installed clearly...
>>> so imho probably add to rhel5_drivers_base_ga _and_ remove ksym req from
>>> find-requires.ksyms would be the best solution.
>> I've just had an email conversation with Jon Masters to ask his advice
>> on the subject, and he is keen for us to file bug reports with Red Hat
>> for any missing symbols and they will get them included into the kABI
>> whitelist. Given the imminent release of 5.4, this is now unlikely to
>> happen before 5.5. In hindsight, I probably should have copied that
>> conversation to this list but I didn't - sorry.
>> In the meantime all we can do is continue to build without the requires.
>> Do you have a list of all packages that fail, and the symbols they fail on?
>> I'm aware of the 3 packages you reported in this thread, kmod-nvidia and
>> kmod-video4linux, that all fail on missing symbols (but not what the
>> symbols are). What we need to do is rebuild everything as normal
>> *without* the find-requires.ksyms hack to get a list of missing symbols
>> to report upstream. I'm just wondering how much of that work you may
>> have already done (or would like to assist with)?
> I've done a mass rebuild of the repository followed by a mass test
> install to get the missing symbols:
> http://elrepo.org/bugs/view.php?id=30
Aha! Perhaps I should have waited an hour for the 5.4 release :-D
Anyway, retesting against the 5.4 release kernel shows none of the
missing symbols appear to have been added to 5.4, so the list remains valid.
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