[elrepo-devel] [elrepo] [users] drbd83 still in testing

Alan Bartlett ajb at elrepo.org
Tue Aug 10 20:52:03 EDT 2010

On 10 August 2010 14:05, Joseph L. Casale <jcasale at activenetwerx.com> wrote:
>>O.k. folks, a few questions:
>>(1) When was the package first made publicly available by us (the
>>ELRepo Project)?
>>(2) Any advances on two satisfied users (JLC, DW)?
>>(3) Has the package been tested to destruction on a sacrificial / test system?
>>(4) Any quirks / oddities, etc, noticed?
> As stated, I have been running them since Dag made them available, Mid June.
> The pair of nodes I use them on see plenty of traffic every day and migrate
> between each other often as part of normal use w/o issue.

In view of the above favourable report, I am willing to agree to the
package's promotion from the testing to the main repository.

Dag -- Will you be willing to maintain the package?

Other fellow members of the Admin team -- Once the package maintainer
issue is resolved, will you be willing to support the promotion?

Alan / burakkucat.

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