[elrepo-devel] ATI driver

Phil Perry phil at elrepo.org
Mon Dec 6 19:50:14 EST 2010

On 06/12/10 20:16, Akemi Yagi wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 11:50 AM, Fabian Arrotin
> <fabian.arrotin at arrfab.net>  wrote:
>> Akemi Yagi wrote:
>>> Hi list,
>>> As you probably know, we, ELRepo, have been offering the Nvidia
>>> driver. It has received quite a good volume of positive feedback. Now,
>>> we got a request to provide the ATI driver:
>>> http://elrepo.org/bugs/view.php?id=96
>>> One major problem is that we do not have the ATI hardware. Is there
>>> anyone who is interested in developing the package to be distributed
>>> through ELRepo?
>> Hi Akemi,
>> Do you mean some 'testers' or really someone who would need to write a
>> working kmod spec/kmodtool for ATI ?
> Ah, yes! Why didn't I think of you?  You are THE ATI guru :-D
> I don't mean just a tester. We want someone who actually writes AND
> tests the package. As you can imagine, without access to the hardware,
> it is extremely difficult to do any work.
> So, you can help?  We are in the middle of setting up to provide
> access for 'serious' contributors to our buildsystems to do the build
> work (hint, hint).
> Akemi

I guess we would split the package in two like we do for nvidia - a kmod 
package providing the kernel module, and an xorg-x11-drv package 
providing the xorg libs and everything else.

The kernel module is the easy part - I could do that. It's packaging the 
xorg libs and everything else that goes with it that will be more time 
consuming (or at least it was for me with our nvidia packages).

RPMFusion has current packages for Fedora - take a look at 
xorg-x11-drv-catalyst to get an idea:


They would probably form a good basis to start a port to RHEL5/6. But I 
don't have hardware on which to test so I'm happy to help but would 
rather not lead the effort.

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