[elrepo-devel] ATI driver

Phil Perry phil at elrepo.org
Wed Dec 8 05:17:35 EST 2010

On 08/12/10 01:41, Manuel Wolfshant wrote:
> On 12/08/2010 02:44 AM, Phil Perry wrote:
>> One question - what should we call the package? Historically it's always
>> been fglrx, but more recently rpmfusion is naming them catalyst. Any
>> views on this?
> what does ati call them ?

When I ran the ATI installer with --buildpkg on el5 it generated the 
following package:


>> What testing OS/Arch do people have available? If you have the ATI
>> drivers installed from the ATI installer, would you like to test just
>> the kmod package to make sure the kernel driver module works for the
>> time being.
>> Once I know what OS/Arch folks can test, I'll try to get those built and
>> available somewhere to test.
> I have rhel6b2/x86_64 and centos 5/i386 handy. I might also have centos
> 5/x86_64, but I have to investigate what's running now on the
> workstations used by some coworkers

Great. Not sure if RHEL6 builds will work with rhel6b2, depends if the 
kABI is broken between those releases.


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