[elrepo-devel] ATI driver

Marco Giunta giunta at sissa.it
Wed Dec 8 07:36:38 EST 2010

> Hi list,
> One major problem is that we do not have the ATI hardware. Is there
anyone who is interested in developing the package to be distributed
through ELRepo?
> Akemi

maybe I could help you; I have to manage a lot of workstations and most
part of them have an ati video card; in the past, I've used dkms driver
from Dag / RpmForge repository, but I would like to use kmod instead of it

I didn't find any rpm created with kmod, so, almost an year ago, I decided
to create one by myself. I took inspiration from RPMFusion ati driver, old
Dag ati driver and from spec file of your nvidia driver.

I've modified the 'nvidia-config-display', now named 'ati-config-display'.
If you run it with 'enable' option:

  - create by itself 'Files' section in xorg.conf
  - add Ati driver module path in 'ModulePath' section in xorg.conf
  - save previous xorg driver (ati, radeon, r500, ...) in a comment line
in 'Device' section
  - set 'fgrlx' as driver name
  - rename the file '/etc/ld.so.conf.d/ati.conf.disable' as 'ati.conf'
  - run ldconfig

If you run it with 'disable' option:

  - remove Ati driver module path in 'ModulePath' section in xorg.conf
  - restore old xorg driver ( if comment line is present, otherwise it
uses generic 'ati' driver name)
  - rename the file '/etc/ld.so.conf.d/ati.conf' as 'ati.conf.disable'
  - run ldconfig

I've only OLD Ati video card, so these spec files are tested and work only
with ATI Radeon card till X2100 Series  ( Ati driver 8.59.2) ...

Here you'll find spec files, 'ati-config-display' and all file needed to
create rpms:


or if you want srpms, here you are:


I hope these files could be usefully to all ElRepo comunity ... ;-P


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