[elrepo-devel] ELRepo packages for EL6

Phil Perry phil at elrepo.org
Sat Jul 10 07:27:42 EDT 2010

On 09/07/10 08:46, Farkas Levente wrote:
> On 07/08/2010 10:52 PM, Akemi Yagi wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Now that RHEL6beta2 is out, we would like to get ready for the release
>> of ELRepo packages for the EL6.  We (mostly Phil and Alan) have done
>> some ground work and have done some test-build of a few packages.
>> Do you have any particular package(s) you would like to see/test?
>> Please do let us know.
> yes!
> thanks.
> i'd like to nvidia-256.35 packages which would be useful for most users
> and would be a good test bed too. ie.:
> - kmod-nvidia
> - nvidia-x11-drv
> and may be like in rpmfuision
> - nvidia-settings
> - nvidia-xconfig

I started work a while ago on porting the nvidia packages to beta1, so 
yes those packages will definitely be top of my todo list.

I believe the reason rpmfusion started building nvidia-settings and 
nvidia-xconfig from source was related to selinux execstack denials. On 
Fedora 12, allow_execstack was changed to off, and removing the 
execution stack requirement doesn't work on 32-bit binaries so 
rebuilding from source was their solution.

However, rhel6beta1 still had allow_execstack --> on by default. I've 
not checked beta2 yet so perhaps someone would be kind enough to do that 
please and post the results?

getsebool -a | grep allow_exec

Anyway, if allow_execstack remains on it's not an issue (or rather not 
an urgent issue).

Farkas - do you know if nvidia-settings and nvidia-xconfig have to be 
rebuilt for every release so the EVR's match or if they can just be 
built once and used with each driver release? If we do move to shipping 
them as separate packages, would you be interested in contributing that 
and maintaining them?

> also would be useful to test the new redhat-rpm-config's kmodtool and
> /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/macros's kernel_module_package macro since i
> _really_ like to use one and only one system wide kmodtool for all el6
> rpm (ie. not included in all kmod rpm).
> we should have to help Jon to make it much better or even send patches
> to them during the beta phase.

We still plan to ship a custom kmodtool with each kmod package as that 
will be necessary for any custom Requires and/or Provides. We are also 
currently patching kmodtool to correctly handle kmod updates via yum, 
and have reported a bug for this against RHEL5 (which also affects RHEL6):


However, we do aim to stay as true as possible to the tools Red Hat 
provides us in RHEL and we have been providing feedback to Jon Masters 
with regard to kmodtool in the rhel6 beta.

Unfortunately, at the moment we face a somewhat wider issue concerning 
our RHEL entitlements (which were recently withdrawn). Until we get that 
resolved, developing for RHEL6 might be somewhat moot as we won't be 
able to build anything if we don't have access to final release RHEL6 
build hosts to build on. Jon Masters and Red Hat Support were trying to 
assist us with that but the Red Hat Support process seems to have ground 
to a halt at present. So if anyone wants to donate some entitlements 
until we get that resolved with Red Hat, feel free to get in touch.


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