[elrepo-devel] sk98lin module update request

Fabian Arrotin fabian.arrotin at arrfab.net
Mon Mar 22 18:14:21 EDT 2010

Alan Bartlett wrote:
> On 22 March 2010 21:35, Dag Wieers <dag at wieers.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, 22 Mar 2010, Akemi Yagi wrote:
>>> On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 9:53 AM, Alan Bartlett <ajb at elrepo.org> wrote:
>>>> SysKonnect, from whom we have always obtained our source, provided
>>>> Marvell, do indeed provide
>>>> It is on the list "for action".
>>>> Thank you for notifying us of the availability of the updated source
>>>> code. We (ELRepo) rely on the community to provide us with this
>>>> information.
>>> As is always the case with user requests, Fabian "needed it yesterday" :-P
>>> He cannot connect to the network from his shiny new laptop without it. :)
>> ELRepo is working on a premium service for our Asian, European and
>> African users to provide packages "yesterday".
>> However this requires the investment in a facility in Hawaii and we are
>> still collecting the required money ;-)
> Yesterday really depends upon one's time zone.
> I started this requested update during Monday March 22 in UTC land. As
> long as I do not create a phoo-bah and ensure that I have the
> repository updated after 2300 hours UTC, it *will* be ready
> *yesterday* -- as far as I am concerned -- when I look eastwards
> towards Fabian's time zone!

Hehehe .. nothing *really* urgent here as i've installed that Sony Vaio 
in dual-boot CentOS 5.4/Fedora 13Alpha
Now that the To-Do list on the CentOS side is getting longer and longer 
I consider continuing using F13 for a while and i've still have to fix 
some troubles there, even with a 2.6.33 kernel : no sound
On the CentOS side: no sound, no wired connection, no wifi, no suspend, 
and no good VGA resolution (even the current fglrx from amd.com doesn't 
support the embedded ATI mobility radeon HD 5650) .. :/
I guess that my solution for "yesterday" is to setup VirtualBox and a 
CentOS 5.4 guest inside to have access to the network from the F13Alpha 
install ;-)
<nostalgia mode>My Thinkpad is already missing me .....</nostalgia mode>

Fabian Arrotin
test -e /dev/human/brain || ( echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq ; echo c > 
/proc/sysrq-trigger )

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