[elrepo-devel] nvidia and libGL.so again

Phil Perry phil at elrepo.org
Thu Apr 7 15:46:32 EDT 2011

On 06/04/11 23:59, Farkas Levente wrote:
> hi,
> it seems we also get into the same problem as mentioned before. the
> nvidia-x11-drv contains /usr/lib/nvidia/libGL.so so when any other
> packages requires this eg. qt-x11 then yum choose nvidia-x11-drv in
> stead of mesa-libGL-devel which cause a lots of problem since it will be
> used in stead of intel's driver when it has only intel video card.
> currently i don't have too much time to debug this problem but would be
> useful to fox.
> regards.

I don't think it's anything we can fix.

As you've determined, this issue arises when a package contains a 
requires for the file libGL.so and that requirement can be met from 
multiple packages so yum arbitrarily picks one - the wrong one in your 
particular case.

Elrepo installs the ATI/NVIDIA supplied libGL.so to a different location 
so as not to conflict with mesa-libGL-devel. The packages in question 
are doing the right thing by using a file-based requires for libGL.so 
rather than a package-based requires for the mesa-libGL-devel package as 
this would break installs of such packages for ATI/NVIDIA users.

AFAICS, the solution is not to put yum in a position where it has to 
arbitrarily pick one package over another to satisfy a requires and 
potentially get it wrong. Elrepo already does this by not enabling the 
repositories by default in it's .repo config file. If users subsequently 
enable the repositories by default then they must then manage potential 
conflicts (maybe with yum plugins such as protectbase or priorities).

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