[elrepo-devel] perf-xxx.noarch.rpm

Alan Bartlett ajb at elrepo.org
Wed Feb 9 15:14:40 EST 2011

On 9 February 2011 20:06, Farkas Levente <lfarkas at lfarkas.org> wrote:
> On 02/09/2011 08:09 PM, Alan Bartlett wrote:
>> On 8 February 2011 20:52, Steve Clark <sclark at netwolves.com> wrote:
>>> I can't seem to find the perf-xxx.noarch.rpm for the ml-kernels.

>> They are userland packages, are they not?
>> Are you able to build them? Any success? Or a resounding failure?
>> Sorry for the succession of questions, Steve. This is now getting into
>> a grey area with regards to exactly where the ELRepo Project's
>> provision / support ends . . .
>> I seem to recall that Dag (Wieers) mentioned the idea of perf support
>> a number of months ago (before the birth of his daughter :-) ), so
>> let's see is what Dag's current view on the subject.

> perf build from the kernel src.rpm as a subpackage (at least in rhel-6).

Thanks for the info, Levente.

I'd like to read Dag's comments on this subject. When I get the time,
I'll take a close look at the kernel-ml build process.


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