[elrepo-devel] Use of /usr/local in some kmod packages

Alan Bartlett ajb at elrepo.org
Mon Mar 21 18:02:51 EDT 2011

On 21 March 2011 16:49, Steve Cleveland <stevec at engr.orst.edu> wrote:

> I was looking to try out the new kmod-e1000e module, but ran into a
> problem.  The package sticks the man page in /usr/local/share/man/man7.
>  In our environment, /usr/local is redirected to a read-only nfs share.
> It looks like only a few of the epel6 kmod packages have anything there.
>  I'm just curious if that is an intentional decision?  Or something
> that could be changed easily?

Hi Steve,

That is unfortunate for you as, obviously, RHEL does not mount a RO
NFS share at /usr/local/ . . .

With your local variation of RHEL, my advice is to perform the package
installation with the NFS share unmounted and then delete what has
been added under /usr/local/ (i.e. share/man/man7/* ).

Regarding EPEL, that is not us and I fail to see how that is relevant. ;-)

Please flag the issue that you are experiencing with your modified
RHEL system, against the kmod-e1000e package in the ELRepo Project's
bug tracker [1]. Once it has been logged there, the situation will be
reviewed when the kmod package is next updated.

Thank you for mentioning your observations.


[1] http://elrepo.org/bugs/main_page.php

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