[elrepo-devel] Broken kmod-compat-wireless package

Michael Lampe mlampe0 at googlemail.com
Thu Aug 9 14:55:10 EDT 2012

Phil Perry wrote:

> We've had a number of reports of the compat-wireless package being
> broken on EL 6.3.

Hi Phil,

> I've now had time to spend a couple days looking into this so wanted to
> take the opportunity to update where we are on this and decide if it's
> worth pursuing.

I have also spent some time with this, but most probably less than you.

> So where does this leave us?

My personal opinion is that it is not worth the effort anymore. Current 
EL6 kernels are so special that it will now be a major effort to come up 
with a working kmod-compat-wireless. Even such things as constants 
(#define ...) differ from mainstream now. This needs real insight (I 
guess) and is beyond me at least.

The same guy that made work compat-wireless-3.2 with EL6 kernels has 
done the backport, it seems. So let him decide/do.

My vote is to drop this package.

One final "idea" perhaps: It might be possible to still build this 
package against the 6.2 kernel by renaming all symbols that now clash in 
6.3 and count on the kernel ABI.


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