[elrepo-devel] Contributions

Nelson Marques nmo.marques at gmail.com
Thu Mar 15 19:28:03 EDT 2012


Great. I've forked it and going to submit the changes and do a pull
request. This is quite nicer :)


2012/3/15 Akemi Yagi <toracat at elrepo.org>:
> On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 1:00 PM, Nelson Marques <nmo.marques at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Phil,
>> There's actually one issue around, I'll try to be brief and explain
>> it... The kmod spec file can be improved, but that required to add an
>> extra patch, I do have it implemented that way on my $dayjob.
>> Since on Enterprise Linux we have kernel ABI assured by Red Hat, we
>> can use the weak-updates to keep the module working after a kernel
>> update without having the need of rebuilding it (ABI should remain
>> compatibable, so far it has). For this the kernel module needs to be
>> installed on extras/dahdi, and the default makefile installs it on
>> dahdi. So we have actually two options:
>>  1) move the kernel modules on the spec to a new location (which means
>> hacking the default kmodtool from redhat);
>>  2) patch the makefile to read the environment var used on the spec
>> (which was what I did), so you don't change the kmodtool and you have
>> your modules always working after a kernel update through
>> weak-updates.
>> Now this is nice because you don't need to update DAHDI after an
>> official kernel update, and you don't need compilers on production
>> servers to rebuild modules (which terminates what some consider a
>> security issue (having the compiler on a production server)).
>> Which reminds me... I have this on my work svn already done, so if you
>> wait till monday I can send a new spec for the kmod and the patch
>> (yes, I can share it).
>> Sorry, I jsut remembered about that.
>> NM
> If you are using svn, you probably have little problem with git. :)
> As Phil mentioned earlier, we use github (
> https://github.com/elrepo/packages ) and recently updated the "howto"
> here:
> http://elrepo.org/tiki/GitHub
> You can submit (and maintain) your packages there. So, if you are
> comfortable with using git, this is a preferred method over sending
> files as attachments to this mailing list.
> Akemi
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Nelson Marques
// I've stopped trying to understand sandwiches with a third piece of
bread in the middle...

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