[elrepo-devel] Kernel-debug packages

Phil Perry phil at elrepo.org
Fri Mar 16 20:07:47 EDT 2018

On 15/03/18 20:06, Dave Chiluk via elrepo-devel wrote:
> It would be really awesome if there was an easy way to install
> devel/debug packages for the elrepo kernels.
> I completely understand that this may lead to bandwidth or repository
> mirror issues with the archive due to the size of kernel debug
> packages, but I figured I'd ask anyways.
> If not, is there an easy way to create these debug/devel packages so
> that I can gather and analyze crash dumps from machines running elrepo
> kernels?
> Thanks,
> Dave.

Hi Dave,

To provide debug packages would require a major rewrite of the SPEC 
file(s) (not something Alan is prepared to do), and would also 
considerably increase the build time for each package set, and as you 
identified, the concomitant mirror size and bandwidth knock ons. But the 
first point here is the blocker, so it's not going to happen.

However, -devel packages are available for all kernel sets.



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