[elrepo-devel] RHEL 7.6 and libglvnd

Phil Perry phil at elrepo.org
Sat Nov 3 08:17:42 EDT 2018

On 02/11/18 18:46, Michael Lampe via elrepo-devel wrote:
> Now that EL7 has libglvnd and a libglvnd-enabled mesa, nvidia-x11-drv 
> packaging could also be changed to better integrate the nvidia stuff 
> into the system. Are there any plans for doing this?
> -Michael

Hi Michael,

Yes, I noted libglvnd is now in rhel7.6 so now would be an ideal time to 
look at it. We could have packages ready to roll out once CentOS/SL 
catch up with their el7.6 releases.

So what needs to happen? Presumably we can drop libs from our nvidia 
package that are now provided by libglvnd, or are there any benefits to 
using the nvidia driver versions over those provided in the distro libglvnd.

Historically we have always installed libs to /usr/lib{64}/nvidia to 
avoid file conflicts, but presumably now we could also move all those 
nvidia libs into /usr/lib{64} and do away with 
/etc/ld.so.conf.d/nvidia.conf which would make things much cleaner.

Any other changes you'd like to see made at the same time?


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