[elrepo] request for updated sis190 driver

Del del at babel.com.au
Thu Aug 6 22:02:54 EDT 2009

Hi Phil,

Thanks for the reply.

> OK, that sounds promising. Which patch are you looking at in the git tree:
> http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-2.6.30.y.git;a=history;f=drivers/net/sis190.c;h=55ccd51d247efc3fa20cddd6616ddc8607637e17;hb=a616b3e5a8c7a379f2fd4bc4e153868509fec94a

This is the one that specifically fixes the 64 bit issue:


However I see a number of sis190 patches in the git tree for the latest 
kernel.  There's obviously been a fair amount of development work going 
on there.  What probably needs to happen is that the latest 2.6.30 sis 
driver needs a backport.

> Also, please could you test the latest testing kernel from here:
> http://people.redhat.com/dzickus/el5/
> just to be sure these issues aren't fixed in the upcoming 5.4 release.

Have done, no success.  The same issues exist.

> Alan has handled network drivers to date, so I don't know if he'll want 
> to pick this one up too, but he's not around for a few days. In the 
> meantime, if you could please report back on the state of play with the 
> latest testing kernel and we'll take it from there :)

OK, cool.

In addition, we've recently acquired a Linux hardware dealer -- 
Everything Linux http://www.elx.com.au/

It would be useful for our sysadmin guy (who isn't here today) to have a 
bit of an understanding on how the process worked in case we needed to 
do this for other drivers in future.  Both he and I have a fair amount 
of experience in messing with kernels but no exposure to how the ELrepo 
packaging process works, or how the kmod driver system is used.

Babel Com Australia
ph: 02 9966 9476
fax: 02 9906 2864

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