[elrepo] prelinking against /usr/lib/nvidia/libGL.so.1

Olaf Mueller daily-planet at istari.de
Fri Jul 17 06:44:39 EDT 2009


since a few days I am using the new elrepo repository for CentOS 5.3. I
use it for kmod-fuse, kmod-ntfs and kmod-alsa and I am very happy with
it. Thank you very much for your hard work!

On one system with Nvidia 7600GT graphic card I am using the
nvidia-x11-drv-185.18.14-1.el5.elrepo and the
kmod-nvidia-185.18.14-1.el5.elrepo packages from elrepo-testing. And on
prelinking I run into the following Warning/Error message.

prelink: /usr/local/sbin/opt/kde/bin/kdesktop_lock: Cannot prelink
against non-PIC shared library /usr/lib/nvidia/libGL.so.1

There are many more messages like this all ending with "Cannot prelink
against non-PIC shared library /usr/lib/nvidia/libGL.so.1". As a
workaround I have disabled the path /usr/lib/nvidia for prelinking
with "-b".

So my questions is, is it possible to build the nvidia-x11-drv package
in a way that makes prelinking possible? As a PIC shared library for
Thank you.


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