[elrepo] prelinking against /usr/lib/nvidia/libGL.so.1

Akemi Yagi toracat at elrepo.org
Fri Jul 17 12:08:19 EDT 2009

On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 6:38 AM, Phil Perry<phil at elrepo.org> wrote:
> Olaf Mueller wrote:

>> So my questions is, is it possible to build the nvidia-x11-drv package
>> in a way that makes prelinking possible? As a PIC shared library for
>> example?

> That's somewhat strange as I'm unable to reproduce those warnings. What
> arch are you running - x86_64 or i386?

Hi Olaf,

I cannot reproduce it either.  The nvidia packages are still under
development (which is why it is in the testing repo).  :-)  Could you
try removing what you have and reinstall them?  Please note that the
version number was not incremented for the latest version (pointing
fingers to Phil).  To ensure that you get the current version, maybe
it's easier if you wget the rpm's and install them with a 'rpm -Uvh'.


Akemi / toracat

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