[elrepo] nVidia 185.18.36 GigaByte 8500GT RHEL/Centos 5.3 driver not working in init 5 - SOLVED

Ljubomir Ljubojevic office at plcomputers.net
Sat Oct 17 11:34:04 EDT 2009

I have solved the problem.

I do not know who is more stupid, me or Xorg. Before I installed nVidia 
driver, I used mc to make a backup. I guess I was lazy to copy it 
somewhere neutral so I copied the xorg.conf in "/" - root folder.

And stupid Xorg instead of using xorg.conf in /etc/X11 used that old one.

Thanks to all who tried to help me.


Ljubomir Ljubojevic wrote:
> Here are both logs:
> Xorg log for init 3 + startx: http://pastebin.com/m1aab3bdd
> Xorg log for init 5: http://pastebin.com/d67674ae7
> I see that in init 5, Xorg is using
> (==) Using config file: "//xorg.conf"
> Where is exactly that location?
> S.Tindall wrote:
>> On Sat, 2009-10-17 at 01:23 +0200, Ljubomir Ljubojevic wrote:
>>> S.Tindall wrote:
>>>> On Sat, 2009-10-17 at 00:33 +0200, Ljubomir Ljubojevic wrote:
>>>>> Yes. Actualy, it gives me option for 320x240 and 640x480.
>>>>> I have compared Xorg's log for both init 5 and init 3,and with init 5 it 
>>>>>   looks like xorg.conf is not being used at all, but the default 
>>>>> configuration incorporated into /usr/bin/Xorg (etc/X11/X).
>>>>> When I installed the CentOS 5.3, Anaconda was not able to run in GUI 
>>>>> mode, I had to install it in text mode. I then added firstly nvidia 
>>>>> packages from Atrpms, then tried kmod's from ElRepo. Same thing in both 
>>>>> cases.
>>>> Often, a low-resolution-only issue can be fixed by selecting an
>>>> appropriate default monitor.
>>>> >From either GUI or CLI, start system-config-display and select a monitor
>>>> under the Hardware Tab that matches your monitor's resolution.  A
>>>> generic CRT/LCD monitor at the top of the list will usually be good
>>>> enough.
>>>> Then under the Settings Tab, change the resolution to the resolution
>>>> matching the monitor.
>>>> You need to restart the xserver (i.e., log out/in from GUI) for the new
>>>> settings to take effect.
>>> Steve, I am seasoned Linux user. I even compiled some 30-40 rpms and am 
>>> making a bundled software package from several repositories. I've tried 
>>> many procedures. Bottom line is:
>>> Using startx from init 3 gives me excelent screen, nvidia logo at the 
>>> beginig, but when booting with init 5 set in inittab gives me failsafe 
>>> defaults.
>>> Also, I had my share or xorg.conf problems over the 2-3 years I am 
>>> working with linux. But never like this one. I am just reading that 
>>> Xorg's newer versions does not really need xorg.conf any more (XRandR). 
>>> It is possible that I have set some option to that effect without knowing.
>> Having a different outcome with startx vs init 5 is surprising.
>> And, yes, xorg.conf has become something of an orphan over time. ;)
>> Steve
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