[elrepo] nvidia driver works for me

Dag Wieers dag at wieers.com
Wed Sep 23 18:21:22 EDT 2009

On Mon, 21 Sep 2009, Phil Perry wrote:

> Nicolas Thierry-Mieg wrote:
>> The only issue I had is that after installation my xorg.conf used the nv
>> driver instead of nvidia. I suspect this is because I uninstalled the
>> rpmforge packages and installed the elrepo ones at the same time, and
>> the scripts didn't get called in the right order. I don't know if you
>> can do anything about it, and it's not a big problem anyways.
> Our package uses the same scripts and tools for installing the driver in
> xorg.conf as the rpmforge dkms package. The uninstall script of both
> packages will set xorg.conf back to the default 'nv' xorg driver. One
> issue I've noted is the module stays loaded in memory even after a
> package is uninstalled, so the most reliable way is probably to perform
> a reboot between each uninstall/install step just to be sure (or rmmod
> them).

Hi Nicolas,

Nice to get more feedback, especially from people we know and trust ;-)

I didn't know about this nv/nvidia config rewrite issue. I wonder if it 
could be related to a postun/post script mix-up when doing an update ? At 
least, that's how I interpreted the "at the same time".

As Phil indicated, we know about an incompatibility between the kernel 
module and the Xorg driver, if the kernel module is not unloaded/reloaded, 
restarting Xorg (with the new driver) will fail. I think it failed with a 
segmentation fault, I already regret not having reported it ! :-(

That is why the advise for rebooting, unloading the module is not possible 
when in X. And the whole init 3; rmmod ...; init 5 dance is probably 
wasted on most people.

Even though I personally hate to recommend rebooting...

--   dag wieers,  dag at wieers.com,  http://dag.wieers.com/   --
[Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors]

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