[elrepo] [users] drbd83 still in testing

Alan Bartlett ajb at elrepo.org
Tue Aug 10 10:52:21 EDT 2010

On 10 August 2010 14:05, Joseph L. Casale <jcasale at activenetwerx.com> wrote:

>>(5) Do we have a maintainer for that package, as distinct from the
>>builder of the package? The maintainer will have to be a person who
>>uses it daily / regularly and understands it. (That rules *me* out.)

> What are the responsibilities of the maintainer, maybe net those out
> so those whom are capable can gauge whether they want to step up.

Broadly speaking, the maintainer of a package should be a person who
regularly uses the product, is (preferably)  familiar with its
innermost workings and monitors the developments made at its source
level. This may be routine bug fixes or a new release. The maintainer
should consider the upstream developments in the light the fact that
ELRepo provided packages are for users of Enterprise Linux systems and
thus are not updated just to remain at the leading edge. Having made
the decision that the package should be updated, the maintainer would
locally build and test the updated package. Once satisfied, the
updated source package would then be passed to a member of the ELRepo
Administration Team for building, signing and pushing to the

In the case of this drbd83 package, it would be logical for the
maintainer to make that contact with ELRepo administration via Dag,
the initial package builder.

Dag, Akemi, Phil & Steve -- Please feel free to expand on the above
and fill in anything that I have missed. ;-)

Alan / burakkucat.

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