[elrepo] Announcement: Updated kmod-nvidia and nvidia-x11-drv [195.36.03] packages in testing

Nicolas Thierry-Mieg Nicolas.Thierry-Mieg at imag.fr
Tue Feb 9 11:29:37 EST 2010

Phil Perry wrote:
> Nicolas Thierry-Mieg wrote:
>> The upgrade works fine - although I did have to manually install
>> nvidia-x11-drv-32bit, required by an i486 adobe reader that I have here.
> I take it from your comment yum didn't resolve the dependency for
> nvidia-x11-drv-32bit automatically? I guess that would depend on the
> Requires present in the Adobe package.

I can't say for yum, I used synaptic/apt for the upgrade.

But yes, synaptic didn't automatically offer to install the elrepo 
nvidia-x11-drv-32bit. Instead it offered to install the old dkms nvidia 
stuff from rpmforge, even though I have elrepo pinned with a higher 
priority than rf. But never mind, most people have probably shifted to 
yum by now... I'm just stuck on apt, been using it since Matthias 
offered it in freshrpms for RH 7.3 or 8.0 ;-)

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