[elrepo] RFP: mISDN and Dahdi ...

Clinton Lee Taylor clintonlee.taylor at gmail.com
Sun Jan 10 14:12:33 EST 2010

Greetings ..

>>> Both the dahdi and the mISDN kmod packages have been available from
>>> the elrepo-testing repository since Wednesday 18 November 2009 and
>>> Friday 20 November 2009, respectively.
>>  Yip, install and in use ...
>>> Do these packages operate as expected? Are they appropriate candidates
>>> to be promoted to the main repository?
>>  I have had a few problems, but I don't think it's either rpm's that
>> are at fault ...
>>> In general, without clear feedback on a package it could, therefore,
>>> languish in the testing repo until the end of time. :-/
>> Ooops, sorry ... Been mean to let everybody know, this seems to be
>> working ... But only installed each at two sites at the moment, so I
>> can't say they are perfect, but they are working for us ...
> Thanks for the positive feedback. As you appreciate, we have just
> repackaged the code in a kernel independent, kABI tracking, format.
My pleasure ... Try and put what ever I can ... Thank you for all the help!!

> The code itself has not been modified in any way. What we would be
> interested in reading is the outcome of a kernel update on those
> systems (upon which the packages are installed).
I see there is a new kernel out for CentOS, so I would really like try
and see if there are any problems or if I might be able to provide
back some more positive feedback ...

I have two servers that I can test kmod-dahdi and one server with
kmod-misdn, which I will do during the next week.

I have had a problem with kmod-misdn v1.1.7.2 on another server, and
currently testing v1.1.9.2, but compiled from source, seeing that I
can't seem to get v1.1.9.2 into an rpm.  Seems the authors changed too
much and is beyond my skills fix and put into a rpm kmod. Could you
look at kmoding misdn for v1.1.9.2 and putting that into testing or
something?  Plus, I think that we should also package misdn utils ...


 Plus I wonder if it's not worth dumping to the latest release of these tools?


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