[elrepo] Intel 82G33/G31 Express Integrated Graphics Controller

Alan Bartlett ajb at elrepo.org
Sat Jan 16 09:08:23 EST 2010

2010/1/13 Paul Allen <paul.allen at asapventures.co.uk>:

> That graphics chip uses a driver called "intel."  That driver appears to be
> sanity-checking the opcodes sent to the chip but it appears it is doing so
> based on an older chip that does not have the 0x5b opcode.  So applications
> either fail to work at all or, like google earth, revert to a slower mode.
> Removing the sanity checking would fix the problem.  Getting hold of what
> opcodes the chip actually supports and adding them to the sanity checking
> would be a better way of doing it.  Maybe it's already been done upstream.

Hi Paul,

I believe that you are referring to an x11-driver rather than a kernel driver.

We, at ELRepo, in our policy decided at foundation have made it our
objective to concentrate on the provision of packaged kernel device
driver modules only. Although it is true that two x11-driver packages
can be found in the ELRepo repository (nvidia-x11-drv and
nvidia-96xx-x11-drv), they are the complementary halves of the
kmod-nvidia & kmod-nvidia-96xx packages respectively and consist of
the proprietary code, exactly as provided by nVidia for

It might be worthwhile checking with Xorg (http://wiki.x.org) first
and then follow it through with TUV of your Enterprise Linux
distribution, if appropriate.

Sorry that we are unable to assist you with this issue.


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