[elrepo] Announcement: EL5 kmod-arcmsr Testing Release [Version]

Alan Bartlett ajb at elrepo.org
Sun Oct 10 12:12:08 EDT 2010

Announcing the release of kmod-arcmsr packages in the EL5
elrepo-testing repository:


This package has been created as a result of an RFE:


It provides an updated Areca driver, version,
containing Red Hat patches which are not scheduled to be routinely
present until el5.7 and is kABI compatible with all kernels from 5.3
(kernel-2.6.18-128.el5) upwards.

It is built to depend upon the specific ABI provided by a range of
releases of the same variant of the Linux kernel and not on any one
specific build.

End user testing of this package (& subsequent feed-back) will be
appreciated and would also speed its eventual promotion to the main

NOTE: Due to the appearance of a bug in el5.5, *updating* of kmod
packages is broken with el5.5. To install this package, users of el5.5
are advised to perform the following. This will then update the
module-init-tools package (which has had an erroneous upstream patch

yum --disablerepo=\* --enablerepo=elrepo-testing install kmod-arcmsr

Thank you,

The ELRepo Team.

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