[elrepo] [EG20T] Support for RHEL5 planned?

Phil Perry phil at elrepo.org
Thu Aug 18 13:31:03 EDT 2011

On 18/08/11 16:12, Gerhart, Bjoern wrote:
> Hi Phil,
>> We have a git repository here:
>> https://github.com/elrepo
> I just opened a "Pull Request" for the code so far at github, but I don't know if a Pull Request is required for you to see my uploaded code. First time for me submitting code via git at all, so please drop a line if I made faults in the process..
> Similar to yours, we also modified pch_gbe_ethtool.c and pch_gbe_main.c. Additionally, we made changes to include/linux/netdevice.h of the 2.6.18 kernel sources.

Thanks. I just merged your code into elrepo/packages. That worked great.

Now you should be able to pull the latest changes from elrepo to your 
local repo:

git fetch upstream (also try: git pull upstream master)
git merge upstream/master

make your changes, add, commit and push to your repo, and then make 
another pull request so we can pull in your changes.

For the moment I don't plan to work on your code although I'll certainly 
have a look at how you've done things. I might commit what I've done 
alongside yours so we can each see what the other has done and see where 
it leads us.

Unfortunately time is the big killer for me atm and I don't have any 
free time to work on this at least for the next two weeks :-(

>> BTW, were you aware that elrepo also provides mainline kernel
>> packages
>> for RHEL5, currently kernel-ml-2.6.39-4.el5.elrepo which should offer
>> native support for your device
> I didn't know yet that elrepo also provides later kernels compiled for RHEL5, that's a really cool opportunity in case..! It's true that with kernel 2.6.39 the NIC really is supported, which I tested on the system.

Yes, it at least gives you a fall back option. Obviously you lose the 
benefits of running a RHEL Enterprise Linux kernel, but at the moment 
Alan is actively maintaining the 2.6.39 branch (although unsupported!).

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