[elrepo] Feedback needed for DRBD packages

Dag Wieers dag at elrepo.org
Fri Dec 23 06:01:43 EST 2011


A recurring theme for the DRBD packages is that because there is a lack of 
feedback, new updates are not promoted from the testing to stable elrepo 

Can I kindly request for people using DRBD in production, to follow the 
DRBD announcements and do their testing based on these testing packages 
when they are made available, rather than wait until they hit the stable 
repository and then perform the testing ?

I know that it seems very smart to have others do basic testing and only 
bother doing your own testing once it is promoted to the stable 
repository. But I guess everybody is being smart together, hence no 
testing and no promotion ;-)

The alternatives are to automatically promote when no issues arise after 7 
days or to not bother going through the testing repository and expose 
those packages directly to all users. Which would be a disappointment, but 
it might be more acceptable than having new DRBD releases sit in testing 
for 2 months.

Feedback is appreciated. We'd like to learn from users...

-- dag wieers, dag at wieers.com, http://dag.wieers.com/
-- dagit linux solutions, info at dagit.net, http://dagit.net/

[Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors]

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