[elrepo] Announcement: EL5 Updated elrepo-release package

Phil Perry phil at elrepo.org
Sat Jan 22 18:55:01 EST 2011

Announcing the release of an updated elrepo-release package for el5.


This updated package is currently syncing to the mirrors.

This package contains the yum configuration for elrepo.org as well as 
the public GPG key used to sign packages.

This update adds a mirrorlist for our mirror sites that uses the 
yum-fastestmirror package. Users of CentOS will have yum-fastestmirror 
installed by default and can immediately benefit from connecting to a 
fast local mirror. Users of RHEL (and SL) should install the 
yum-fastestmirror package if it is not already installed to 
automatically take advantage of a fast local mirror site.

Users should note the new yum configuration file will be installed as 
/etc/yum.repos.d/elrepo.repo.rpmnew and we recommend users to 
incorporate changes into their current configuration or to use the new 
configuration file.

You can apply this update by:

yum --enablerepo=elrepo update elrepo-release

Thank you,

The ELRepo Team.

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