[elrepo] Kernel-ml Packages for EL6

Alan Bartlett ajb at elrepo.org
Sat Oct 15 17:15:30 EDT 2011

It seems that an update is overdue. (Oops.)

The current status of kernel-ml packages for EL6 is as follows:

The new configuration file for x86_64 has been created. The equivalent
for x86_32 (PAE) is nearly finished. The x86_32 (NONPAE) will be but a
few mouse clicks from the previous (PAE).

Once I am satisfied that all three configuration files are consistent
(by reviewing each and every menu option), a SRPM file will be
generated and then, when the moment is ripe, it will be submitted to
the ELRepo build systems.

Once I have all the relevant RPM files, I will upload them to a
location from which they may be accessed by those persons willing to
perform rigorous testing. The location will not be the elrepo-testing
repository. Please note that the packages will be pre-GA versions and,
having checked my notes, I can tell you that they will be the -rc6.1

More details in due course. Thank you for your patience.


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