[elrepo] Extra packages that you need to install

Manuel Wolfshant wolfy at nobugconsulting.ro
Tue Jan 3 10:18:18 EST 2012

On 01/03/2012 05:14 PM, Ljubomir Ljubojevic wrote:
> On 01/03/2012 11:36 AM, nux at li.nux.ro wrote:
>> Manuel Wolfshant writes:
>>> On 01/03/2012 12:13 PM, nux at li.nux.ro wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I need some bits of information for my little remix project. I want to
>>>> include some drivers on my CD and wanted to ask what you guys have noticed
>>>> people usually install from elrepo in most common cases. I already include
>>>> kmod-wl. What else? I'm particularly interested in networking bits, least
>>>> interested in video drivers.
>>> network drivers. mostly sk98lin, atheros, intel
>>> FWIW I have installed right before Christmas a system which required an
>>> atheros kmod ( on CentOS 6.2 )
>> Thanks a lot, wolfy. Found the sk98lin kmod, could you please provide me
>> with the packages' name if you can? Would save me time wandering through
>> directory listings :)
> You do have ElRepo repository enabled? Just use "yum list \*sklin\*" for
> example. Or "yum list \*kmod\*", and then try installing those files to
> see dependencies.
He knows the drill. The question was "WHAT" (i.e. which packages are 
useful, as he does not want to include all of them) not "HOW". Mind the 
"some" ( " I want to

include some drivers on my CD") from his original question.

      Manuel Wolfshant       linux registered user #131416
         IT manager    NoBug Consulting SRL
   A: Yes.
   >Q: Are you sure?
   >>A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
   >>>Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?

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