[elrepo] kmod-nvidia for kernel-lt

Phil Perry phil at elrepo.org
Wed Nov 21 23:39:39 EST 2012

On 21/11/12 21:00, Orion Poplawski wrote:
> On 11/21/2012 12:44 PM, Phil Perry wrote:
>> On 21/11/12 18:34, Orion Poplawski wrote:
>>> Is there a nvidia kernel module available for kernel-lt? A brief search
>>> did not appear to come up with anything.
>> No. Only the official RHEL kernels have the stable kABI that allows
>> kABI-tracking kernel modules to be built.
>> With kernel-lt (and kernel-ml) you will need to do things the old
>> fashioned
>> way and compile the driver for each kernel update.
> I guess I was hoping for something like how rpmfusion does it for
> Fedora, either with kmod- or akmod-. But perhaps they can be persuaded
> to do it for EL.

Even if rpmfusion did a package for EL, it still would not support 
elrepo's kernel packages as our kernels are not RHEL kernels, they are 
packaged versions of the upstream kernels from kernel.org. So you will 
still need to rebuild the nvidia driver against each new kernel (or use 
something that automates that task such as DKMS).

Hope that helps.

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