[elrepo] Announcement: EL5 and EL6 New NVIDIA drivers [fixes CVE-2013-0131]

Phil Perry phil at elrepo.org
Tue Apr 9 22:35:47 EDT 2013

Announcing the release of new NVIDIA [version 310.44] and NVIDIA legacy 
[version 304.88] driver packages to the EL5 and EL6 elrepo repositories.


This release fixes a security vulnerability in the NVIDIA driver when 
operated in "NoScanout" mode which could allow an ARGB cursor buffer 
overflow resulting in a segmentation fault in the X Window system or be 
exploited to allow arbitrary code execution and/or privilege escalation.


Users of the NVIDIA and NVIDIA 304.xx legacy drivers are advised to 
update to the latest versions which this issue, or to disable NoScanout 

Thank you,

The ELRepo Team.

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