[elrepo] Kernel-lt and the Future

Alan Bartlett ajb at elrepo.org
Mon Aug 5 17:35:26 EDT 2013

As you know, the ELRepo Project has regularly released a kernel-lt
(long term supported) package set for both enterprise Linux 5 and 6.
These kernels have been based on the linux-3.0.X stable branch.

The linux-3.0.X stable branch will be reaching end of life this coming
October [1][2] and a decision will have to be made with regards to the
future of the kernel-lt package sets that we provide.

There are a number of options available, the most radical being to
stop building and providing such kernel-lt package sets. However no
decision has yet been made.

As a subscriber to this mailing list you clearly have an interest in
the packages provided by the ELRepo Project and, as the Project's
slogan is "For the community, by the community", we now call upon you
to assist us with making a decision.

Over the forthcoming days / weeks, please use this thread to make
suggestions, to express your opinions and as a vehicle for discussion
with others.

Thank you,

Alan (burakkucat) and the ELRepo Team.

[1] https://www.kernel.org/category/releases.html
[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_kernel#Maintenance

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