[elrepo] NVIDIA and RHEL 6.5 issue (libglamoregl)

Michael Lampe mlampe0 at googlemail.com
Mon Dec 2 20:32:41 EST 2013

Michael Lampe wrote:
> Phil Perry wrote:
>> [root at rhel6b64 ~]# /usr/sbin/lsof | grep X | grep libGL
>> X         1970      root  mem       REG                9,1  1165272
>> 797319 /usr/lib64/nvidia/libGL.so.331.20
>> I see this on RHEL6.5 with glamoregl loaded. If I disable glamor then
>> libGL is no longer loaded into the X process.
> That's then the unsupported use case. Maybe it's not a problem, because
> actually Nvidia's driver doesn't use glamor, so libGL is just loaded
> into the X server doing nothing.

shared libs tend to have constructor and destructor functions, so 
probably more than nothing happens:


Anyway, thanks for pointing this out.

If you have an Nvidia card, at best glamor doesn't hurt. If you have an 
Nvidia card and something else that uses glamor, it won't work. And if 
you don't have an Nvidia card it doesn't matter. To me this clearly 
translates into "Conflicts: ..."

I have removed glamor already yesterday. :)

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