[elrepo] Latest nvidia release [310.19] drops support for older 6xxx and 7xxx series cards

Steve Cleveland stevec at engr.oregonstate.edu
Wed Jan 2 00:11:13 EST 2013

> I've just built and released the 304xx legacy packages for both el5 and
> el6 to their respective testing repositories (based on the 304.64
> release). They should show up on the mirrors shortly.
> I've not yet tested these packages. I would suggest that one uninstalls
> kmod-nvidia and then installs kmod-nvidia-304xx. The corresponding X11
> driver packages are named nvidia-x11-drv-304xx in line with previous
> legacy releases.
> Please test and let me know if you hit any issues. I'll try to test them
> later today myself.

Thanks for all of the hard work.  I've tested the packages on an el5 and 
an el6 host.  Seems to work fine.

  - Steve

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