[elrepo] zfs module
nux at li.nux.ro
Sat Jan 5 11:21:40 EST 2013
On 26.04.2011 13:14, Dag Wieers wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Apr 2011, Farkas Levente wrote:
>> On 04/19/2011 05:15 PM, Akemi Yagi wrote:
>>> Suppose, we find no issue with the license and decide to provide
>>> the
>>> packages, we would like to have someone build/maintain them.
>>> Levente,
>>> are you willing to take on this job?
>> unfortunately in the next couple of weeks i don't have too much time
>> (deadlines, rhel-6.1 rebuild and still has a few proprietary kmods
>> which
>> can't be compiled or not running properly on el6). and my vacation
>> to
>> bali already shifted by 2 weeks:-(
>> on the other hand we use different type of kmods we use one common
>> kmodtool for both el5/6 and for all kmods this's just a little
>> modified
>> version of the original kmodtool in redhat-rpm-config (which can be
>> installed on both system) and in this was the automated buildsys can
>> build for el5 and el6 from the same source and spec for all arch
>> which
>> is a imho cleaner, more easier to maintain. what's more this's the
>> only
>> way to make automated daily build for our testers without human
>> interaction (since when i have to do something manually i used to
>> made
>> mistakes:-().
> To conclude this thread. The project itself has no reasons for not
> providing the zfs kmod module, other than lacking someone who has an
> interest in maintaining this driver.
> The license is deemed fine, the quality of the driver is unknown, but
> that's why we have a testing repository anyway.
> So unless someone stands up to maintain this driver (usually someone
> with
> a vested interest in having zfs support) and willing to work with the
> ELRepo project and its standards, there will not be a zfs kmod
> module.
> If you read this and you feel up to the task, feel free to contact us
> again :-)
For those interested in running ZFS on EL6 via kmods, I snatched and
updated the kmods in PUIAS. Testing so far has been _minimal_ (beware,
Selinux needs to be in permissive mode or disabled altogether).
If any of the venerable elrepo devs care to have a look at the specs
and decide they're orthodox enough, I can try to keep these packages up
to date.
Sent from the Delta quadrant using Borg technology!
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