[elrepo] RE driver update incompatibility issue

Lamar Owen lowen at pari.edu
Fri Jan 25 18:13:19 EST 2013

On Jan 25, 2013, at 4:03 PM, Nux! wrote:

> - why not in cases like this send a Requires for some noarch that executes a script and does a "yum replace"[1] based on pci id?
> How does that sound?
> [1] - http://dl.iuscommunity.org/pub/ius/stable/Redhat/6/SRPMS/yum-plugin-replace-0.2.5-1.ius.el6.src.rpm

Ah!  It _does_ exist!

Having gone through the 173.xx before, and now 304xx with three separate boxes, this would be very nice, IMO.

As it was,  I had several packages that required nvidia-x11-drv installed, and had to reinstall them as well when 'crossgrading' from nvidia-x11-drv to nvidia-x11-drv-304xx and friends.

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