[elrepo] RE driver update incompatibility issue

Nux! nux at li.nux.ro
Wed Jan 30 06:43:20 EST 2013

On 30.01.2013 11:37, Phil Perry wrote:
> My initial thought would be to install all 4 modules in the form of
> nvidia-current.ko, nvidia-304.ko etc, and then to use a script to
> detect the current hardware, select the correct driver and copy that
> driver into place, and finally running depmod. The script could be run
> during package installation and then dropped in place (something like
> /usr/bin/nvidia-select.sh) so the user could manually run it at any
> time should they update their hardware etc.
> So to answer your question in the way it is worded, the kernel will
> always load the correct one as that will be the only one available -
> the trick is to ensure it is indeed the 'correct' one that is
> available.

That would be great! Is the userland (nvidia-settings etc) the same for 
all driver versions?
Also, with regards to space, there is deltarpm which should help with 
the big packages.

Sent from the Delta quadrant using Borg technology!


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