[elrepo] AMD Radeon HD 2600 Pro

Daniel Pierce dpierce at xpertassist.com
Wed Jul 24 18:53:07 EDT 2013

Thank you for your last reply.  Based on your instructions I have done the
# yum remove fglrx-x11-drv
# init 0 to Reboot system
# yum install fglrx-x11-drv
# init 0 to Reboot system
The video drivers continues to be radeon instead of fglrx when I do a lsmod
| grep fglrx nothing is listed
The following process are listed when I do lsmod | grep radeon.
    ttm, drm_kms_helper, drm, i2c_algo_bit, i2c_core
Installed the fglrx-x11-drv from the elrepo-testing repository and did the
full process at init 3 so X was not running.
During the installation it always says that it is installing 13.1 and you
had noted that the testing repository had the 13.1 driver that supported the
older AMD ATI boards.
repeated the steps above with the same results.
INSTALLATION STEPs  I went through what the driver is trying to do and got
some poor results as follows
# aticonfig --initial    -> No Supported Adapters  (why, the board is
installed and is a AMD HD 2600 PRO video card)
# xorg.conf     this file does not exist on the system, I understand that
6.4 does not use xorg.conf, but then I have downgraded X11
# /boot/grub/grub.conf  specified change was made to the file, I've attached
# ati-config-display enable   -> Error: cannot access
X11 ROLL BACK  I did the following to roll back from V6.4 to V6.3 Xorg based
on internet instructions.
# yum remove xorg-x11-drv-modesetting
# yum --disablerepo=\* --enablerepo=C6.3\* downgrade xorg\*
# yum --disablerepo=\* --enablerepo=C6.3\* install-x11-drivers
Do both the x11-drivers and the fglrx-x11-drv need to be installed at the
same time or are they conflicting?
What do you recommend as the next steps.  I'm ready to give up and go out
and purchase a new video board.
Thanks for the help.
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