[elrepo] Package for detecting hardware?
David Carollo
usr.drc at gmail.com
Tue Jun 25 10:27:46 EDT 2013
I have done a semester of perl scripting, so I shall try my best.
On Jun 25, 2013 6:24 AM, "Ljubomir Ljubojevic" <centos at plnet.rs> wrote:
> Hi.
> I was wondering if you guys could create a package/script that would scan
> the hardware and compare DeviceID's and offer command to install them, like
> "to install those drivers run this: 'yum install kmod-***' "
> I see nvidia-detect works in similar way. It would greatly help for cases
> where there is no internet but there is a local copy of packages
> (LiveDVD's, repo from file://), not to mention making life easier and
> CentOS more attractive for newbies.
> If there is a hardware that is not recognized, it could show DeviceID.
> On top of all of that, package might recognize divers that exist in
> kernel-lt and kernel-ml, with suggestion that that might solve their
> problem (with a warning notice about not being offical CentOS kernel or
> what ever).
> Is there a chance for something like that?
> --
> Ljubomir Ljubojevic
> (Love is in the Air)
> PL Computers
> Serbia, Europe
> StarOS, Mikrotik and CentOS/RHEL/Linux consultant
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