[elrepo] fglrx problem
Phil Perry
phil at elrepo.org
Tue Apr 1 12:40:36 EDT 2014
On 31/03/14 20:23, Stephen Isard wrote:
> Phil Perry wrote:
>> Just a quick stab in the dark, but do you have the xorg-x11-glamor
>> package installed? If so, please try uninstalling it (and probably
>> rebooting) and see if that helps.
> Yes, that does indeed seem to fix the problem. Thank you!
> I have now seen http://elrepo.org/bugs/view.php?id=434 and this looks
> like another datapoint for that thread. For me there is a conflict with
> xorg-x11-glamor, unlike for one of the people who posted to the thread.
> (I'm running the fvwm2 window manager, and, as I said in my first post,
> X didn't crash until I tried to start firefox.) In common with others,
> my log showed that the glamoregl module was getting loaded under
> fglrx-x11-drv (until I uninstalled glamor), but not with the proprietary
> amd/ati driver.
> Stephen Isard
Glad that fixed your issue, and many thanks for the feedback.
The AMD/ATI proprietary installer is obviously detecting the presence of
glamor and disabling it. I haven't looked at how they do it, but most
likely any changes they have made will get overwritten the first time
the xorg-x11-glamor package gets updated and the system will again break.
I did file a bug report with Red Hat to have the config file updated to
'%config(noreplace)' which would allow us to disable glamor upon install
of our package(s) without that setting being overwritten when
xorg-x11-glamor gets updated:
but I'm still waiting for some action.
I'm still reluctant to enforce a package conflict with xorg-x11-glamor,
particularly for AMD/ATI users where the distro driver would also need
to be removed, as this will leave the system broken should users
uninstall our driver packages.
Thus at this time I'd rather end users solve this issue themselves as a
configuration conflict so at least they are aware of the changes they
have made to their system and can easily revert changes as needed.
The solution will be trivial once Red Hat address the bug report I filed.
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