[elrepo] ipset

Alan Bartlett ajb at elrepo.org
Thu Apr 10 18:19:11 EDT 2014

On 9 April 2014 02:32, Daniel T. Gynn <dan at gynntech.com> wrote:
> Unfortunately, I can't get the ipset 6.x userspace tools to compile on el5.
> I was hoping with the experience the elrepo team has, that they might be
> able to compile a version (or maybe point me in the right direction on the
> tools/packages needed).


(0) Start with a up to date EL5 system.
(1) Wield a big hammer. rpm -e --nodeps kernel-headers
(2) yum --enablerepo elrepo-kernel install kernel-lt-devel kernel-lt-headers
(3) yum --enablerepo epel install libmnl libmnl-devel
(4) wget http://ipset.netfilter.org/ipset-6.21.1.tar.bz2
(5) wget http://elrepo.org/people/ajb/tmp/ipset-6.21.1-el5.patch
(6) wget http://elrepo.org/people/ajb/tmp/config.log
(7) Extract the ipset tarball contents.
(8) Apply the patch.
(9) head config.log and note the "./configure" line previously used.
(10) ./configure --blah_blah_as_inspired_by_step_9
(11) make
(12) Confirm that userland has been successfully built.
(13) Now write a specification file and package up the build of userland.

Please Note: Neither I nor the ELRepo Project will accept
responsibility if the "wheels fall off" or the "local village idiot
comes knocking at your door"!

I'll leave the patch and the config.log files in my temporary
directory until the end of the month. They will be deleted in May.


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