[elrepo] help troubleshooting detection of external monitor

Alan Bartlett ajb at elrepo.org
Tue Apr 15 16:10:37 EDT 2014

On 15 April 2014 21:09, Alan Bartlett <ajb at elrepo.org> wrote:
> On 15 April 2014 20:41, Denis Leclair <denis at theleclairs.ca> wrote:
>> I have CentOS 6.5 running on an HP EliteBook 840 G1 with kernel-ml. The
>> problem is, I'm not getting any detection of the external monitor that I
>> have plugged in to the VGA port. I'm not sure where to beging
>> troubleshooting this problem and I'm not finding a whole of advice online
>> either.
>> The details of what I get from xrandr as well as other system information
>> can be found on this post I added to the CentOS forums:
>> https://www.centos.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=45930
>> I would appreciate any advice on things that I should check for or
>> additional reading I can do on the topic.
>> Thanks.
> I'd suggest that you consider using xrandr.
> Look to see what interfaces it recognises, by default. Plug in the
> external monitor and use xrandr to activate the interface.
> For example, with my Dell Latitude E5500 I see the following --
> [Duo2 ~]$ xrandr
> Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1280 x 800, maximum 8192 x 8192
> LVDS1 connected 1280x800+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y
> axis) 331mm x 207mm
>    1280x800       60.0*+   59.8     59.9     40.0
>    1280x768       59.9     60.0
>    1024x768       60.0
>    800x600        60.3     56.2
>    848x480        60.0
>    640x480        59.9
> VGA1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
> HDMI1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
> DP1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
> HDMI2 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
> DP2 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
> DP3 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
> TV1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
> [Duo2 ~]$
> Alan.

Oops. Ignore that. I now see that you have already looked into using xrandr.


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