[elrepo] Compile kernel-ml for centos 7

Aaron Siegel admin at siegel-tech.net
Tue Sep 30 09:00:06 EDT 2014


I am needing to recompile the kernel-ml for a centos 7 installation. I
have been using Linux/FreeBSD user for 17 in that time I have compiled
may kernels. I have usually compile using step similar

The centos wiki advises against using the this methods and then provides
an incomplete instruction on how to perform the process 

Fedora's wiki provides the instruction missing from the centos

I am unable to download the source using yumdownloader 
	$ yumdownloader --source kernel-ml 
	Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks
	Enabling extras-source repository
	Enabling centosplus-source repository
	centosplus-source           | 2.9 kB     00:00     
	extras-source               | 2.9 kB     00:00     
	Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
	 * base: ftpmirror.your.org
	 * centosplus: repos.dfw.quadranet.com
	 * elrepo: mirror.pw
	 * elrepo-kernel: mirror.pw
	 * epel: mirror.compevo.com
	 * epel-debuginfo: mirror.cs.pitt.edu
	 * epel-source: mirror.compevo.com
	 * extras: mirror.spro.net
	 * updates: dallas.tx.mirror.xygenhosting.com
	No source RPM found for kernel-ml-3.16.2-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64
	No source RPM found for kernel-ml-3.16.3-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64
	Nothing to download

I downloaded the the src rpm (or nosrc) from the elrepo this package
appears to install the kernel again. I do not see it in ~/rpmbuild
directory. I guess the nosrc means it does not contain the src tree.

I have installed kernel-ml-devel, the source is in /usr/src, I can
change the permission of that directory compile like I have done in the
past. Linux has changed a lot since I was regularly compiling the
kernel, it has been many year since I have needed to compile a linux

What is the recommend procedure for compiling kernel-ml for centos? I
want the kernel to be as close to the centos kernel as possible but of
course with the exception of the patches I apply and a couple of changes
in the config. 

Thank you

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